Tag Archives: beauty

Listening/Reading in Korean Practice Through Makeup Tutorials| Beauty Guru – Jella젤라 (video)


So I was scrolling through my recommended videos on youtube and I ran across a beauty tutorial. But not just any beauty tutorial, this tutorial is completely in Korean with English and Korean subs! So if you like make-up and want to practice your listening and reading skills, this is the perfect video to watch!

I really liked this particularly video because she’s not talking quickly but she’s speaking at a normal pace for someone who speaks Korean fluently or even a native speaker.

However, if the speed is too fast you can adjust it in the settings. I would suggest to slow the video down to about 0.5 at the slowest. That way you can still hear what she’s saying without losing anything. If it’s too slow not only will you have trouble understanding her but you’ll also miss out on pronunciation.

This is also good speaking practice. Repeating after her aloud can be very helpful in learning how to say words.

And of course it’s a tutorial!! Who doesn’t like makeup tutorials? Am I right?


Clear Skin? Dewy Look? How??? [video]

I’ve always been curious as to how these Korean actresses and kpop idols have this clear and dewy skin. I can’t be the only one! It’s such a great fresh face look and I’m a huge fan of it. But from what I’ve personally learned in my ‘road to clear skin’, the dewy look isn’t as easy I thought without the right products.

Right now, I only use my bb cream and concealer. When they’re on first thing after I wash my face it gives me this glow and dewy look, but then after a while it completely wears off. Super annoying.

But then I found this video… I told you guys I’m not a beauty blogger/vlogger, but I do like sharing what I find. Not only is the a great video for beauty tips but it’s a little bit of a Korean lesson for those of you learning. See? I covered all my bases with this one!

I figured Monday’s will be dedicated to my beauty friends. What tips have you found along the way for clear skin?

The Woes of Acne! | Skincare Routine/Products to Help [video]

It’s safe to say that I’m not a beauty blogger. But I do love beauty tips and tricks and most importantly, I love sharing videos of what I find. So I’ve been trying to get rid of this awful acne on my face. It’s like a computer worm! It keeps multiplying! As soon as I think it’s gone, the stupid stuff comes back!

However… YouTube always seems to come in handy. So if you’re in a situation like this too, check out the video below.

SISTAR’s So-you Skin Care Secret [video]

In lieu of a Foreign Language Tip post, since it won’t be back until October – November, I’ve decided to make this day “skincare/make-up” tutorial posts from… your favorite kpop idols and 네이버Naver celebs! Just for now, I think I’ll alternate between the two. And just a note, none of this is sponsored. I’m nowhere near popular enough for that! hahaha!

Personally, I know some people are actually interested in the products you personally use when you make these types of posts so I’ll tell you. My product list has changed dramatically after a really bad break-out these last two weeks so I’m hopeful that this will work. I use Neutrogena’s hydrating eye cream, witch hazel for toner, Neutrogena’s cleansing foam, and noxema for my acne. Not in that order. Though none of these products will be in the video, I’m sure you may find some that are useful. I definitely will be picking up a product or two after seeing this.