Kwon Ki-beom (Bumkey) Arrested on Drug Charges

Say waaahhh?!

Ok so today was my first time hearing about Bumkey and I had to do some research on this guy. Apparently he’s a hip-hop artist and I thought that meant he was a rapper but he’s a singer? (I still don’t know) But that’s irrelevant now I guess as he has been arrested for selling meth and ecstasy.

Kwon Ki-beom was charged with selling 6 grams of Philopon — meth — and 10 pills of ecstasy to two people, as well as taking ecstasy himself twice, from August 2012 to September 2013, Yonhap reported.

Even though he denied the charges, apparently witnesses have come forward saying they actually witnessed these transactions. Kwon’s agency has released a statement about this saying:

“Bumkey knows someone who deals drugs, and he’s being suspected because he exchanged money with them,” the agency said. “The bank transactions were to solve only an outstanding debt, not to buy and sell drugs. That they were drug transactions is a misunderstanding.” –

Here’s my thing, one… how would you know he was selling drugs unless you were (1) buying them or (2) a plant by the police to catch him? I don’t think he’d just be out in the open selling it to people and I doubt he’d be out in the open taking these drugs so you’d have to be somewhere in vicinity either participating or in the wrong place at the wrong time and even then it’d be really difficult to say if you truly are seeing what you’re seeing without proof. I don’t doubt they actually saw this… I’m just saying!

But of course the trial has been going on this whole time and he was in court for his second trial and I’m calling foul play on some of the testimony!

The defendant’s lawyer continued his questioning and asked, “Do you remember exactly what happened when you were buying?”

The witness replied, “I would call Kwon Ki Beom and ask him to come out. I would buy it when we would meet. I think he brought out the the drugs right then.” At first, Mr. Song stated that he wasn’t sure if it was 0.5g of 1g. However, he then confirmed that he believed it was 1g and bought it for 500,000 KRW ($453 USD) in cash.

Throughout the questioning, the witness seemed confused and was having trouble remembering the specifics of the incident. Mr. Song kept confusing the names of the drugs, the date, and even the amount of drugs he had purchased. But when the attorney kept asking for specifics, Mr. Song revealed, “I don’t remember cause it happened so long ago.

Seriously reading everything that was said in that courtroom has me slightly scratching my head just a bit! (But one of the witnesses did admit to buying drugs so there goes what I just said I guess!) 

For more on this story and to see the full witness testimonies, check out: Witness states that Bumkey had sold meth and ecstasy to him.

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